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The National English Honor Society

NEHS Mission Statement:

The National English Honor Society (NEHS) is a nationally recognized honor society, whose three pillars are duty, service, and honor. Students must be at least a junior in high school with an cumulative average in English classes of 93 (unweighted) to become members. Students must complete an application for induction, which is due by October 31, 2023. Students in the organization focus on spreading literacy through the school and local communities. Students may only apply if they are in good academic standing and have not had any instances of academic integrity infringement.

Membership Requirements:

  • Must have attended Becton for at least one year.
  • Must have completed two previous semesters of any level of English.
  • Minimum cumulative ENGLISH GPA of 93 (unweighted).
  • Can take any of the following levels of English to join: CP, Honors, AP, DE.
  • Must participate in activities, including an original submission to Images, Becton’s literary magazine. 
  • All applications will be reviewed by the English department.

*Juniors who do not meet the requirements can apply during their senior year if they meet the GPA criteria.

* NEHS members must maintain the required GPA (93 unweighted) throughout the school year to remain members.

Dr. Bryan DeSousa

Mrs. Catherine Valente