Freshman Class
Students of the Freshman Class are welcome to share their ideas on how to continue to make Becton Regional High School fun, safe, and beneficial to the school community. Each September, class officers are voted on based on their qualifications for the specific position. Class officers are looked at as role models and leaders. As leaders, they are responsible for representing their class at Student Council Luncheons, officer meetings, and fundraising activities.
The short-term goals of the Freshman Class are to discuss expectations for their first year of high school and generate ideas for what they would like to achieve and how they would like to enhance their freshmen year and remaining years at Becton. In addition, they strive to raise between $500-$1000 by the end of sophomore year. The money raised is added to their class account which remains with them throughout their four years at Becton. The long-term goal is to raise as much money as possible for both Prom and Graduation to reduce the expenses of each.
Ms. Calasso
Freshman & Sophomore
Class Advisor
Amanda Oswald
Vice President
Claire Duardo