The Student agrees to organize his/her time and effort to successfully complete the AP course in which he/she is enrolled. The student will be expected to complete assignments, readings, and projects outside of class time. The student will take the AP exam on its scheduled date and time as outlined by the College Board.
The Parent/Guardian agrees to pay the exam fee (approximately $98 - less for students on free and reduced lunch) as determined by the College Board.
The School (AP Teacher) agrees to provide rigorous instruction and challenging course content, as described in the AP Course Description. The school agrees to administer the AP exam in a fair and secure environment, as outlined in the AP Coordinator’s Manual.
AP Testing Agreement: Taking the Advanced Placement test is required for all students enrolled in an AP class, regardless of the college or university the student plans to attend. Students who do not take the exam will have the AP designation and AP course weighting removed from their transcripts. Students will be given honors credit, weighting, and the GPA will be recalculated to reflect the changes. Any sophomore or junior who does not take the AP exam will not be permitted to enroll in AP courses at Becton High School the following school year. The student/parent must agree to pay the exam fee (about $98), as determined by College Board in order to remain enrolled in any AP course. Fee reductions are available for students on free and reduced lunch. The Advanced Placement exam fee will be determined by the College Board for each exam.
AP Reimbursement: A student who receives a score of a 4 or 5 on an AP exam will be reimbursed the exam fee minus and administrative costs.
AP / Honors Weighting - GPA Calculation
Old Policy (for any courses taken up through June 30, 2024):
Accelerated courses (AP and honors courses) are computed with an additional point for each course credit. This grade is then multiplied by 1.07 for a 5 credit course and 1.08 for a 6 credit course. (i.e. 5 credit course, 90 + 5 x 1.07 = 101.65)
New Policy (effective September 4, 2024):
Accelerated courses (AP and honors courses) are computed as following:
AP course - additional 10 points factored into GPA. (i.e. 5 credit course, 90 + 10 = 100)
Honors course - additional 5 points factored into GPA. (i.e. 5 credit course, 90 + 5 = 95)