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Becton Regional offers students a variety of rigorous learning opportunities to attain their personal best. All students follow a core curriculum aligned to the state of New Jersey Common Core Learning Standards. These courses are designed to build strong initial knowledge and skills in English Language and Literature, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Physical Education and Health, and World Languages. Opportunities for acceleration exist with a number of Honors and AP courses as well as specialization with unique courses within each department.

Furthermore, students are able to explore areas of passion, increase college readiness, and discover career paths through courses in Family and Consumer Sciences, Music, Visual and Performing Arts, and Technology as well as our special programs including Dual Enrollment, VHS Learning, and Internship. 

The school district is proud of its coherent and rigorous 9-12 curriculum. Moreover, it is committed to the principles of equity and access, personalizing learning for each and every student. We encourage you to review this website for additional information about the specific disciplines and programs of study.